A Joyful Noise Painting
The beautiful painting that you see featured throughout our website was commissioned by Eva Bostrand from artist Annique Comeau.
Como held an art show at storefrontstudio, the same location where A Joyful Noise Choir rehearses and is owned by AJNs founder, Eva Bostrand. The art show showcased paintings by Comeau that were inspired by images from Japanese artist, Marasu Emoto called The Hidden Messages in Water. Emoto photographed frozen water crystals that formed while different types of music played. Inspired by two of Emoto’s images – one for “happy” and one for “singing”, Comeau painted the beautiful commission you see here titled A Joyful Noise.
To see more work from Annique Comeau, visit her her website: https://anniquecomeau.com/